Little Loveders is located in a converted cottage, specifically allocated for the care of the under twos. The cosy play rooms are full of resources tailored for babies and toddlers to learn through play and exploration.

The rooms are well designed with areas dedicated to sensory play, soft play, movement, creative play, role play, music, books, water and sand. Little Loveders also has a dedicated sleep room and milk kitchen.

A separate outdoor play area has been established for Little Loveders which allows our youngest children to play and explore in safety when our more mobile children are nearby.

There is plenty of shade and waterproof clothing is provided to ensure our babies get lots of fresh air whatever the weather.

Every baby has a key worker who will be responsible for documenting their learning. They will plan exciting, engaging and relevant play experiences for your child, as well as providing cuddles, comfort and whole family support. They will also be the person to observe, record and share milestone developments with you in the nursery, as well as hearing about achievements experienced at home. There is at least one member of staff to every three babies in this room.

Little Loveders is well secured and separate from the rest of the setting, but there will be times in the day, as the children get older, when they will be introduced to, and begin to mix with, the older children. Learning to socialise is an important developmental step and this contact provides a context for this as well as preparing the children for the step up to the nursery at around two years of age. Their parents and Key Person will play a big part in this transition, as will the nursery’s Two-year- old Co-Ordinator, ensuring that there is continuity in meeting each child’s emotional and physical needs.

Cannot recommend highly enough! Wonderful place, kind caring receptive staff.

Your child's day at Little Loveders

Loveders Nursery School


Breakfast, lunch and tea are available for your children plus a range of snacks and drinks. If your child is not yet weaned, we are happy to follow their bottle routine from home and can provide formula or store breast milk as required. We are experienced weaners and are happy to help families with the transition to solid foods.

Loveders Nursery School


Little Loveders has a dedicated sleep room in the cottage and we will follow your child's sleep routine.

Loveders Nursery


The play rooms and garden of Little Loveders are full of age appropriate toys and resources and the children are free to move inside or outside depending on their preferences.

Loveders Nursery School

Partnership with parents

Home time is the perfect opportunity for us to chat about your child's day at Little Loveders - feedback on eating, sleeping and activities enjoyed. Our software enables us to email photographs regularly and the observations in our learning journals combined with regular parents meetings with your child's key worker allow us and track and document your child's progress.

Children form very secure emotional attachments with staff through an exceptionally effective key-person system. As a result, children demonstrate very high levels of confidence and self esteem.
- Ofsted Feb 2018
Stick Man

We are very proud to have been awarded "OFSTED OUTSTANDING"

Please take a look at our latest Ofsted report. Well done team!